Upcoming Events in Derry for businesses using Digital – Dec 18
(1) The Atlantic Digital Startup Academy is launching with a kickoff event in Enterprise North West in Skeoge on Monday 3rd December between 12.30 – 2.30.
If any of the network are interested in joining the programme please email Claire on claire@enterprisenw.com who will be taking Expression of Interest forms on the day.
Launch Format:
12.30 – 12.45: Information on the Atlantic Digital Startup Academy – what it entails and what support is available
12.45 – 1.30: 3 local digital businesses speak on their experience of moving into international markets, some of the challenges they faced and how the dealt with them
1.30 – 2.30: Networking lunch provided
There will be press, council and other local stakeholders to be present.
If you are interested in attending please contact Claire Costello at Enterprise North West claire@enterprisenw.com
(2) Digital Cities Challenge Strategy Workshop
Derry City & Strabane District Council, in conjunction with ERNACT, invites local stakeholders to attend a Digital Cities Challenge Workshop on Thursday, 6 December 9.00am – 12.30pm at Catalyst Inc, Bay Road Derry (Old Fort George).
Coffee and registration from 9:00 – 9:30am; lunch provided at 12:30pm
For more information and to register your attendance:
Derry City & Strabane District Council, in conjunction with ERNACT, invites local stakeholders to attend a Digital Cities Workshop.
The aim of the workshop is to develop a strategy to accomplish our city’s digital vision and ambition. Vision statements generated at the Vision Workshop in September will be validated and potential projects to accomplish the vision will be discussed and prioritised into a cohesive strategy. This workshop is an opportunity for you to contribute to the development and implementation of our city’s digital vision.